
Freitag, 3. Juni 2011


Nickname: Dimi/wtFAQ
Age: 21
Location: Hannover, Germany

Height:      192cm // 6.29 feet 
Weight:        85kg // 187 pounds
Shoe Size: 46/47 // 12
Natural Haircolor: dark brown
Eye Color: blue-grey

How would you describe your style? 
I'd say: I am me. A bit of everything and just as I please. :)

Anything you are especially proud of?
My Piercings

What do you associate with this style
Actually - nothing special.

How did you get this style?
I tried many different styles and pick out those things, which I like and which suit me the most. All this things thrown together - voila! :D

When did you start to style yourself like that?
Puh... I don't know... never cared about that :D

Are there any persons/Styles which inspire you?
Maybe the "Emo Style", Hip Hop, Skate-Style and a bit of Punk... Just as said, everything thrown together. Each day try something new.

Where do you buy your stuff? Do you have a favourite brand?
Normal stores or via internet (imperial-clothing per example), just as I please.

Do you use any special products?

Do you care what others might think about your style?
Maybe a tiny bit :'D

Would you change your style for some reason?
In any case I would not change my style, if I don't like it.
But yes, I would change my style, as long as I like the change and the new style.

Get in contact with Dimi/wtFAQ:



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